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The Response - Believe

Launch with Jesus: Day 3

Launch with Jesus

The Response - Believe

Welcome to day 3 of our Launch with Jesus series.

Today we are going to answer the question of how we can have access to God’s amazing gift of Jesus.

You have come to realize that you are guilty, that sin has separated you from God, and the penalty of that sin is death. The evidence is too overwhelming, you are guilty as charged, the sentencing and punishment await.  

However, someone has interrupted the Judge... It’s Jesus.

He looks at you with compassion and love, before turning to the judge and declaring that He has paid the debt in full,

that He has taken your punishment on your behalf and desires that you be free.

The Judge can now show mercy, while still being just. He has accepted the payment that has been made, and declares that you can now be made free... if you so choose.

This is it! The final step, all it takes is for you to believe this Good News and accept!

The Bible says in Romans 10:9, that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved!

In other words, if we confess that Jesus has taken our punishment, and has overcome death and the grave, that He is Lord – King over it all, and if we believe that He rose from the dead, that He is the resurrection and that He is life, we will be saved. We will be a part of that resurrection, a part of that life.

We have entered into His Kingdom, His family, His freedom, His life. We call this Salvation.

All we have to do is believe! Another passage in the Bible, Acts 16:31 says, Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved. 

It is as simple as that. It is a free gift of God. We just reach out and accept it. 

It is grace – unmerited favour toward us. All we have to do is respond in faith.

We have already determined – we can’t earn or buy our freedom. It is a free gift – free. All we have to do is take the gift. 

Pride is what made Lucifer, whom we know as the devil, lose his place in heaven and become destined for hell. Pride is what stops a lot of humanity from reaching out to take the gift that has been offered.

Pride says “I’m not that bad” or “I don’t need saving”. Pride tells us that we can do it on our own.

Jesus however said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, theirs is the Kingdom of God”.

Or to put it another way, those who can in humility recognise that they are spiritually bankrupt or doomed, and reach out and accept salvation – Heaven is for them!

Since you are watching this, you have come to this recognition and you have made the decision to reach out and accept the gift – Jesus! He is your Lord and Saviour! No longer are you a slave to sin or trapped in the sinking sand of death. 

No longer is the devil your master. No longer is self king of your life.

The Bible says that we are now no longer slaves of sin because we have been brought at a price.

We have accepted and belong to Jesus! We now live by faith – belief and trust in Jesus.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for saving Me! I accept your wonderful gift of Salvation.

Questions to Think on

Here are some questions to help you journey through what has been shared above.

If you have been given a Bible in your New Christians Gift from Twin Rivers you can refer to the page number to help you find the Scripture references. Feel free to highlight or underline the verses in your Bible so you can find them later on.

How do we receive God's gift of Jesus?

You can find the answer in Romans 10:9-10 (Page 192)

What is happens spiritually when we receive Jesus?

You can find the answer in 2 Corinthians 5:17 (Page 221)

Also in Ephesians 2:4-6 (Page 236)

Can we earn or achieve salvation?

You can find the answer in Romans 3:24-26

Small Passage to Read - John 3:1-21 (Page 115-116)

Application & Reflection

What would you do if someone could offer you a brand new start in life?

Have you accepted and received God's gift of a new life in Jesus?

Can't Wait for Tomorrow?