Hope Lives Here
Twin Rivers Church is a friendly, contemporary and multi-generational Church that is passionate about engaging with our community and creating opportunities for people to find hope in Christ and success in all areas life. We believe that God has a great plan for every person on the planet.
Our purpose is to Connect, Build and Equip people for success in all areas of life regardless of age, gender, culture or faith. This means everyone is welcome here. Including you.
Our Purpose
To Connect, Build and Equip people for Success in all areas of Life
Our Values
We Celebrate Life
I Love God - Worship is my way of life celebrating the Father's goodness and grace.
I Worship Jesus with Joy & Gratitude - I am thankful for all things having fun on the journey.
I Passionately Seek God - I fervently desire the manifest presence of Holy Spirit in my life.
We Serve Others
I Serve - I live submitted to Christ, serving others wholeheartedly.
I am Generous - I cheerfully give of my time, talent and treasure.
We Create Connections
I Focus on Others - I reach out, engaging with people of my community, to build relationships and connect them to Christ.
I am Spirit Filled - I am filled with the Holy Spirit, displaying His fruitfulness in all areas of my life being empowered for ministry and mission.
We Build Community
I Pray - I Connect with Christ through prayer; praying with and for others.
I Connect in Unity - I choose to walk in unity embracing leadership, forging a genuine community of honour, grace and love.
I am Committed - I am committed to Christ and His cause and am actively involved in the life of the church.
We Equip for Success
I am Christ centred - My life is based on faith in the Word of God and I live by the teachings of Jesus.
I am Committed to Grow - I will embrace change to become Christ-like in all areas of my life.
Our Leaders

Pastors Reuben and Michelle Roos are the Senior Leaders and Visionaries of The Twin Rivers Centre. They are passionate about the local Church and seeing people and communities changed through the transforming message of Christ. Their heart is to serve their community and to connect, build and equip people for success in all areas of life. Their passion is to see people released into their God-given purpose and to be all that God has called them to be.

Pastor Damian and Libbi are our Executive Pastors, serving under Pastor Reuben and Michelle. They oversee Church ministries, Sunday services and Pastoral care in the church. They are passionate about revival and extending the Kingdom of God, believing the great commission is simple; 'love God, love people and share the good news'.