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The Rest of the NT - The Release of the Church

Continuing with Jesus: Week 5

Continuing with Jesus

The Rest of the NT - The Release of the Church

Welcome to Lesson 5 of our Continuing with Jesus series.

The New Testament is comprised of 27 books, we have discussed the first 4 books of the New Testament previously, in talking about the Gospels. We will now concentrate on the following 23 books. 

Acts is a defining book in the New Testament, following straight after the Gospels and Jesus ascending into Heaven. Acts records the promised coming of the Holy Spirit, how the Holy Spirit ignited the Church and how the Church quickly expanded into the known world. The Church grew quickly, despite opposition and persecution. Throughout the book of Acts we see the Holy Spirit directing, empowering and endorsing the rising of the Church.

Acts 1:8 is a defining verse in showing the purpose of the book. It says, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth”.  We see the Holy Spirit coming upon the His disciples and the church forming and then spreading from Jerusalem to Rome and beyond.

The next 13 books are letters, also known as epistles, from the Apostle Paul to various churches and people, but in order from largest letter to the smallest. These are followed by another 8 letters written by various authors, including James, John & Peter and again written to various churches or people. All these letters, 21 in all, cover a whole range of topics and were written to strengthen and encourage the church. 

They give various insights into the theology and practical living out of all that Jesus accomplished through His life, death and resurrection. While it is important to consider who the authors and recipients were and what reason the author had for writing a letter, we know and understand that they are Scripture and inspired by the Holy Spirit.  2 Timothy 3:16 tells us, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

With the birth of the Church via the coming of the Holy Spirit, continuing guidance and instruction were given as these churches grew.  The Holy Spirit through the authors of these letters gave clear instructions around the various doctrinal attacks, teaching errors or moral failings that were encountered. And these same truths have kept the true Church of Jesus alive and in good stead over the past nearly 2000 years. The letters in the Bible are very important in telling what Christians should know (doctrine) and what Christians should do with doctrine (application).

The last book of the Bible and New Testament is Revelations, actually falls into at least 3 genres, a letter, apocalyptic literature and prophecy. The first part of revelations is letters written to seven different churches, given as direct correspondence from Jesus. The remaining chapters in the book give us a spiritual snapshot of events that have happened, are happening and are still to come. The overwhelming message throughout revelation is that God is in control – He is sovereign and those that put their trust in Jesus are going to make it through to the end. We will overcome with Jesus!

One of the last pictures we see in Revelation is Jesus and His Church together forever.

This is just a snap shot of the New Testament books, after the Gospels, there is so much to be explored and go deeper with in each book. We will talk in another lesson on ways to read the Bible, both to study and grow, but also for times of devotion and to hear from God. But we hope this overview of the Bible has got you excited and given a small glimpse of the wonder of God’s Word.

For You to Explore

Look up in the Old Testament Ezekiel 1:10; does this sound familiar in symbolic demonstration of how Jesus is revealed in the Gospels?

John 21:25 says, "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written". What would you like to know about Jesus?

Is it something that you can find out in the Gospels?

Further Resources

YesHeIs Youtube Channel -> What is the Bible

Bible Project – The New Testament -> Bible Project

Series on Ephesians -> Ephesians

Message on Revelation -> Revelation

Can't Wait for Next Week?