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The Walk - Prayer, Bible, Church

Launch with Jesus: Day 6

Launch with Jesus

The Walk - Prayer, Bible, Church

Welcome to day 6 of our Launch with Jesus series.

Today is day 6 and the last day of our Launch with Jesus series. 

We hope it has been helpful and we encourage you to please don’t hesitate to give any feedback or ask any questions around what has been discussed.

Being the last day, we just want to encourage you in your journey of being a follower of Jesus Christ and give you some simple elements that will help you grow in walk with Jesus. Following Jesus is awesome – I have been privileged to follow Jesus for over 20 years and it has been an amazing adventure in where God has taken my life. Please allow me to share personally some of the things I have found in my journey which I hope will encourage you.

1. I’m so grateful for who God has made me be. I know without Jesus, my life would have been very different – depression and addictions would have been overwhelming and I know I would have been a very self absorbed and most likely not had the marriage, family or friends that I have today, but for Jesus and the change He has made in me. I’m nowhere near perfect, but I am changed and growing.

Can I tell you, that as you walk with God – you are going to have an amazing story to tell of how amazing God is and the difference His grace, love and life has made in your life. You just have to walk with Him.

2. I’ve discovered that prayer is not only important in my relationship with God, it is vital and powerful. In your journey with Jesus, prayer is key. Prayer in its simplest explanation is just talking to God... and listening. To build any relationship, communication is vital and it is the same with Jesus; He is available and present at anytime via the Holy Spirit and it maybe awkward at first, but just start talking to Him as you would a friend – and soon it will become second nature to you. The important part is just to start and be willing to grow in communicating with God.

3. I’ve come to love God’s Word. It is wisdom and life and has been so impacting in my life as I’ve surrendered to not only just reading but doing what it says. It is an important way to hear from God and to know more about God and His plans is His Word – the Bible. If you have not received a Bible please let us know so we can give you one. A wonderful place to start in reading the Bible is in the New Testament, one of the Gospels. 

We suggest either Mark or John. We’ll dive into exploring God’s Word in more detail in another series, but just start by reading through Mark or John and asking Jesus to speak to you through what you read, you’ll be amazed at what you will hear.

4. I’ve come to love being with other people who love God. This is why church is so awesome – it is the gathering of those who love Jesus and want to learn, grow and be more like Him. It is a place of celebration and place of encouragement. We were never meant to walk alone – we are not islands; we are called to not only love God, but to love people and church is a safe place to grow in your journey. So come alone! You are more than welcome to attend ours or even if you need help finding one in your local area we will do all we can to assist. But make it a priority to find your church family. If you pray, read your Bible and go to church, I know you will be putting yourself in a wonderful position to launch your walk with Jesus! 

Prayer: Thank you God, that we can talk to you whenever, that we have your Word to guide us and that we can journey together. Amen

Questions to Think on

Here are some questions to help you journey through what has been shared above.

If you have been given a Bible in your New Christians Gift from Twin Rivers you can refer to the page number to help you find the Scripture references. Feel free to highlight or underline the verses in your Bible so you can find them later on.

What do the following Scriptures reveal about your Identity and Hope you have in Jesus?

  • John 1:12 (Page 113)
  • Romans 8:28 & 37 (Page 189)
  • Ephesians 1:7 (Page 235)
  • 1 Peter 2:9 (Page 294)

Prayer: Jesus gives us a model of how to pray.

Read Matthew 6:9-13 (Page 8)

Bible: The apostle Paul lists four applications for the Bible. What are they?

You can find the answers in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (Page 265)

Church: What should our attitude and heart be with one another?

You can find the answer in Ephesians 4:2-6 (Page 238)

Application & Reflection

Have you started to pray and talk to God daily?

How have you found reading the Bible?

Are you going to church?

Further Resources

Why not check out these New to Faith Bible Plans to help get you started on your journey through the Bible.

YouVersion is a free Bible App (also viewable on a regular desktop).

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