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Water Baptism

Continuing with Jesus

Continuing with Jesus

Water Baptism

Welcome to our Continuing with Jesus series.

Today we are looking at Water Baptism. We’ll discuss what water baptism is and the importance of water baptism in our continuing journey with Jesus.

What is Water Baptism?

1.      Water Baptism is a step of obedience and an act of following Jesus.

Jesus, although He was not a sinner, still in obedience to God the Father identified with us and was baptised becoming an example for us to follow. It says in Scripture, “and immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. Then a voice came from heaven, ‘You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased’”. Mark 1:9-10. We are to follow Jesus through the waters of baptism.

One of Jesus last commands can be found in Matthew 28:19-20 in what is known as the Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...” 

2.      Water Baptism is a Public Declaration that you have joined yourself to God and His Family.

Our initial acceptance of Jesus into our lives as Lord and Saviour has sometimes been described as when a couple gets engaged, they are committed and in relationship with each other. But sooner or later the couple are going to have a wedding day and announce their love and commitment to each other publically. This in our Christian walk could be seen as when we get water baptised.  The relationship is there and the commitment has been made; water baptism is the public confession to the world that you are in relationship and a follower of Jesus Christ. 

3.      Water Baptism is a symbolic joining to Christ in His death and burial.

We are immersed under the waters of baptism signifying Jesus death and burial. Fortunately it doesn’t end there; just as Jesus rose from the dead – so we come out of the water to again symbolic show that we also join in Christ resurrection life.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation, the old is gone the new has come! The old is dead and buried under the water – we are raised up in newness of life in Jesus! It is exciting and something to be celebrated.

4.      Water Baptism is a ‘line in the sand’ moment that we are no longer living according to our old ways, but are going to live out and follow God’s ways. Scripture talks about water baptism being the ‘putting off’ the sins of the flesh. It can be a very significant moment for the believer in making a stand to walk in God’s way and be a follower of Jesus.  We are not dead to sin and living in freedom and life.

Just to be Clear

Peter in his epistle makes it very clear that it is not the removal of dirt from the body that saves us, meaning it is not the act of baptism or the water of baptism that save us. It is only our belief and confession in Jesus - His death, burial and resurrection that saves us.  It is by what Jesus has done that we are saved; not by anything we can do. Water baptism is identifying with the power of the cross and resurrection of Jesus. 

Here are some Practical Steps


If you are a Christian, One who believes, confesses and follows Jesus and you want to get baptised – fill in the contact form and we will be in contact.

Meet with a pastor or leader to confirm that you understand what water baptism is.

You will be given a date when the water baptism will happen – feel free to invite friends and family to be a part of this special day. We are more than happy to reserve seating.

Water Baptism:

Bring appropriate clothing to get water baptised in and a towel for after.

The pastor or leader will invite you into the pool and give a brief introduction.

The pastor or leader will ask answer in the affirmative some declarations about your decision to follow Jesus.

The pastor or leader (usually two people) will then declare on the ‘On the Confession of your faith we now baptise you in the name of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit’

The word baptism comes from a greek word that literally means to immerse or submerge. 

This means you will be baptised by going fully under the water... and then being brought back up!

There will be some celebration and prayer over you.

After Water Baptism:

We like to give you a certificate to commemorate and remind you of the day which we will usually give the following Sunday.

Keep following Jesus and growing in your walk with Him!

If you are interested in Water Baptism why don’t you fill in the form on this page and we’ll get in contact with you. We would love to see you journey through the Water’s of Baptism!

For You to Explore

Who first started the practice of water baptism?

In Leviticus, a form of water baptism was used for purification and cleanliness, but water baptism as we believe and recognise its significance is traced back to John the Baptist who we read in the Gospels. Matthew’s account says that John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness, “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” and baptizing those who came and confessed their sins. Jesus being baptised by John the Baptist remains a pivotal account for us to follow.

We see water baptism continue to be enacted by the early church in Acts.

Sprinkle or Full Immersion?

The Greek Word from which baptise comes from means ‘to immerse, submerge or dip under water’.

We see Scripture point to this at Jesus baptism in Matthew 3:16 saying, ‘As soon as Jesus was baptised, He went up out of the water’. Similarly, we read the account of Philip’s baptising the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:38-39, they went down to the water and then came up out of the water.

There would be no need to even enter into the water if you were only going to get sprinkled.

An important symbolic part of the nature of water baptism is in believing in Jesus we are not partially cleansed from sin or partially transformed from our old nature to being a new creation or partially brought from death to life. And we don’t want to partially give our lives to Jesus or partially follow Him – We follow Him fully.

Jesus died a complete death and was fully resurrected. His work on the cross is finished – fully complete. So we in our act of following Jesus in faith through the waters of baptism is by full immersion in water that also symbolises the fullness of everything that Jesus gives us.

Is Water Baptism a requirement of salvation?

No. Only faith in Jesus Christ leads to salvation. We would suggest that faith in Jesus should lead to obedience and following Jesus through the waters of baptism, but we want to state clearly that water baptism does not ‘save’ you.

Is Water Baptism a requirement of church attendance or membership?

No. A person is baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are identified with Him and not baptised in the ‘name’ of any church group.  

The Bible uses four different illustrations to help us understand the significance of water Baptism.

What are they:

               1. Romans 6:4-5

               2. 1 Corinthians 10:1-2

               3. Colossians 2:11-12

               4. 1 Peter 3:20-21

Read the Account of Jesus Baptism in Matthew 3:13-17 & Mark 1:9-11

Further Scriptures:

Acts 22:16, Romans 6:1-14, Colossins 2:12-14