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The Answer - Jesus

Launch with Jesus: Day 2

Launch with Jesus

The Answer - Jesus

Welcome to day 2 of our Launch with Jesus series.

Today we are going to answer the question of what did God do to set us free from sin.

We ended yesterday with the thought that if God is a good Judge then He cannot just simply overlook our sin. 

In a similar vein, our good deeds or works don’t balance out the sin in our lives. 

A murderer cannot simply say, yes I murdered someone, but I’m done all these good things that cancel the murder out. It doesn’t work like that. The debt of sin must be paid for – and the Bible says the penalty of sin is death – permanent separation from God both spiritually and physically.

God is merciful and desires us to be in relationship with Him, the source of life and love. He however, being holy and righteous, could not just ignore our sin. So what did God do? 

The Bible says in John 3:16, for God so loved the world that He sent His One and Only Son – Jesus.

The Father sent Jesus down to earth to live among us – one of the names of Jesus is Immanuel meaning God with us. 

Jesus came to earth and was a baby, as we all start out. 

He however lived a perfect and sinless life – eventually dying, taking our sin and the punishment that was meant for us, upon Himself.

Yes, it was a brutal physical death (whipped, beaten, crown of thorns, nails piercing hands and feet). But even more than the physicality of what Jesus suffered was that the eternal connection, intimacy and relationship between Jesus and Father was broken – a level of pain that we may never understand. This is why Jesus cried out on the cross, ‘my God, my God, why have you forsaken Me’. He died - so that we might live.

However the story doesn’t stop there! Jesus was sinless, and though He took on our sin upon Himself and faced the very power of death – it didn’t stick, it was powerless to hold Him in the grave.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus rose from the dead – defeating the devil, denying the power of death and delivering us from the punishment of sin! A way has been made so that we no longer have to be separated from God. 

In the courtroom, we now have someone who can stand in our place and has paid the fine... Jesus has paid the debt.

Ever since mankind was separated from God, starting in the Garden of Eden with the Fall, God has been all about putting into motion His plan of redemption, His plan to bring us back into right relationship with Him. 

The Old Testament has well over fifty prophecies and signs pointing to the coming of Jesus, all foretelling of His life, death and resurrection. 

Jesus is the only way to God! There is no other way.

Jesus is the atonement for our sin. He is our mediator.

He is the resurrection and the life!

Tomorrow, we are going to discuss how we can have access to this amazing plan that God has created for us in Jesus.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for the sacrifice of your life for me. Amen.

Questions to Think on

Here are some questions to help you journey through what has been shared above.

If you have been given a Bible in your New Christians Gift from Twin Rivers you can refer to the page number to help you find the Scripture references. Feel free to highlight or underline the verses in your Bible so you can find them later on.

Who did God send to save us?

You can find the answer in John 3:16 (Page 116)

What is necessary for the debt to be paid in full and for us to find forgiveness?

You can find the answer in Hebrews 9:22 (Page 280)

What did Jesus do for us on the cross?

You can find the answers in the following Scriptures:

  • 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 (Page 213)
  • 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Page 221)
  • Galatians 3:13-14 (Page 231)
  • 1 Peter 2:24 (Page 295)

Small Passage to Read - Colossians 1:15-20 (Page 247)

Why is the resurrection of Jesus important?

You can find the answer in 1 Corinthians 15:14-19 (Page 214)

Application & Reflection

Personalise what Jesus has done for you and what Jesus means to you now.

Can't Wait for Tomorrow?