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The Promise - Life

Launch with Jesus: Day 5

Launch with Jesus

The Promise - Life

Welcome to day 5 of our Launch with Jesus series.

Today we are discussing some of the promises and things that Jesus obtained for us by dying, being buried and then rising from the dead.

Not only are we forgiven and now no longer bound by sin and death – which is amazing in itself - but we also share in Jesus' resurrection and life. 

Here are just some of the Promises that we gain by being part of God’s Family.

Whoever is part of God’s family is His forever – God will never let a person go. 

Debate maybe had on whether a person can walk away from God, or truly knew God to start with, but the one solid fact is that God never let us go.

Through the fire, through the waters, through whatever you go through, God’s promise is that He will be there. 

He is not an absent father, even when we are faithless He promises that He remains faithful. He will never leave or forsake us.

We Have the Promise of Eternal Life.

We can know this through God’s Word – In John 6:47, Jesus said – “Most assuredly (you can be sure of this),

I say to you, whoever believes in Me has everlasting life.” 

In Bible it says rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven!

Your name is in the Book of Life, on those who are going to share eternity with Jesus! 

Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus!

We have Access & Authority

Out of these two phrases which one do you think is more likely to be answer positively?

“Hey random stranger, could you give me $50 to get new shoes” or “Hey Dad, could you give me $50 to get new shoes”. In most cases the last one will be more successful – why? Cause it indicates relationship and position of Father/Son or Father/Daughter. In the same way we are now part of God’s family, and our relationship with Him gives us access to God’s authority and power.

We are New Creations

2 Corinthians 5:17 says that if anyone is in Christ, he/she has become part of God’s family. They are a new creation; old things have passed away – all things have become new. This is why sometimes the Bible refers to salvation as being ‘Born Again’, our spirits have been made alive and new. 

Shame, Guilt, the condemned person destined for death is no longer – we are now free!

It may take a while for this truth to become a living reality, but God promises again that the work that He has started in your life,

He is going to complete. There is coming a time when you will walk in the true and ultimate victory that you have been given by Jesus. 

Until then we press on, growing from strength to strength in our spiritual person – being overcomers in His love.

This is just a small sampling of all that Jesus has given us, and one of the joys of being a Christian is unwrapping and discovering all the amazing things that are ours in Jesus. Your journey may have just started but know that there is so much that God has for you!

Pray: God thank you for all your promise that I have received by faith in Jesus Christ.

Questions to Think on

Here are some questions to help you journey through what has been shared above.

If you have been given a Bible in your New Christians Gift from Twin Rivers you can refer to the page number to help you find the Scripture references. Feel free to highlight or underline the verses in your Bible so you can find them later on.

What is Jesus' promise to all who hear and believe in Him?

You can find the answer in John 5:24 (Page 119)

What does God do when He rescues us?

You can find the answer in Ephesians 36:26 (Page 236)

In the story of the Prodigal Son that we read yesterday what were the things the father gave to the returned son?

You can find the answer in Luke 15:22-24 (Page 97)

What do you think these things might symbolise?

You can ask one of our leaders if you are struggling to think of anything.

Small Passage to Read - Colossians 1:15-20 (Page 247)

Application & Reflection

What are you grateful for that Jesus has given you?

Can't Wait for Tomorrow?